oDesk - Changing How the World Works

oDesk is a great site for people (freelancer):

> Who does not want to get involved in long term employment commitment,
> Who wants to work from home,
> Who has expertise on computer related activities,
> Who wants to compete globally with thousand of other skilled people around the world,
> Who want to select jobs from a variety of categories,
> etc.

At oDesk you will find plenty of jobs available. So you don't have to wait for a job to come. oDesk has great potential for people who wants to work online and earn decent amount of money. oDesk offers two types of jobs services. They are:

> Fixed rate: In this method you will have to do a job for a fixed rate. You can negotiate price on the job. But the payment is not guaranteed.

> Hourly rate: This is my preferred way of accepting a job. Why? Because oDesk offers a guaranteed payment on hourly jobs. Yes, odesk in this method you don't have the fear of loosing money. You will get paid for sure. It's because odesk team will monitor your work and this ensures the provider that his/her job is being done and they have to pay you because you worked for that provider.

What kind of jobs are available at oDesk?

Well there are many types of jobs available at oDesk. If you have any kind computer related skill which can be done over the internet then you will find a job there for sure. Some of the job types are:

> Web Designing:
> Software Developement
> Graphics & Arts
> Audio/Video & Multimedia
> Networking & Information System
> Administrative Support
> Writing

These are just categories. There are many sub-categories there. And plenty of jobs in each category.

oDesk also offers many tests. And those tests are for free. You can give any test based on your skills which will be added on your profile and increase your reputation when you apply for a job. They are free easy and fun. But there is only one particular test named oDesk readiness test which you have to pass to apply for a job. It is not a difficult test. You will have to answer around 40 questions and the pass mark is low also.

Now the question is how do they pay?

oDesk offers a variety payment methods so you won't have any problem on getting your payment. The services oDesk offers are:

> oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer
> Paypal
> Moneybookers
> Direct Deposit/ACH
> Wire Transfer

As you can see oDesk if full of itself. And if you are a freelancer or want to earn from your skills then oDesk is an ideal place for you. You should give it a try.

So don't wait and go for it by clicking the banner below:

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

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